Sunday, June 6, 2010

Being A Todd Manning Fan Under Ron Carlivati Is Not Easy.

Since Ron has become head writer of One Life To Live we Todd fans can always expect to see.

Todd in jail during sweeps.
Todd beating up teenagers.
Todd attempting to steal his daughters child.
Todd holding or fighting the woman he raped Marty.
Todd being a cold hearted man with no emotions.
Todd turning on his favorite niece Jessica.
Todd having his connections taken away from him that makes Todd his character and what he is, such Vicki, Jessica and Starr.
Todd doing dumb things that make no sense.
Todd always losing and never winning.
Todd never saving the day for his love ones.

From the moment RC took over as a head writer on OLTL he set out to write his version on how he sees Todd. I laugh every time he does an interview and saids he knows his characters on his show. The only characters RC knows is his favorites. The characters he treats with kit gloves, turns them into perfect characters that can't be touch. He protects those characters no matter what. No mean word against them, nothing said even when the characters are committing one crime after another. Characters that are right even when their wrong.

Than there's Todd. We fans have to listen as his past is constantly brought up on every show. Must do that in order to pimp his characters that can't be touch. There isn't a show where Todd is pimping RC's favorites. His writing is lets bring Todd out when he needs to sell his favorite story lines. Sole, Blair, Dani, Marty, John, Rex, Gigi and all newbies that need to be pushed.

The thing that RC doesn't realize is that we fans of Todd Manning know who his character is. But to Ron he thinks he knows who Todd is so he writes his vision of Todd his way.

And this is the most nerve wracking thing with him. So for a writer who claims to know everything about his characters and the history of his characters. He knows nothing about them or their history. He writes his vision of what he thinks he knows.

In my next blog I will compare the Head Writers and their way of writing Todd Manning. And compare them against each other to where it's going and went to where Todd is now. From Michael Malone, Dena Higely to when Trevor first started on OLTL to how each writer wrote Todd Manning since. There is one thing I do know. RC will come out as the worst head writer writing, Todd of all.

To the next time.


  1. RC has shown time and again how much he hates Todd and how he will sacrifice Todd for anyone and everyone. The writing is so biased that it's not a vertical line and it's not even a see-saw - it's a line that goes straight up and down. He trashes Todd at every turn and it's only because of Trevor's brilliant acting ability that rises FAR above the writing that we are able to see behind Todd's actions to Todd's heart. RC knows nothing about Todd Manning and he proves it day after day after day.

  2. trevor's brilliant acting is what is saving RC's horrific writing. Todd manning is not a cartoon. a s/l letting trevor delve into todd's past to isn't too much to ask but RC can't or couldn't write it.
